Wednesday 30 November 2022

Reflection production – WEEK 2

This week I'm still finishing up my rushes log. As I had to help my friends with their idents as well. 

By this week I would like to have finished my rushes log and gather some audience feedback.  

Monday 28 November 2022

Reflection production – WEEK 1

Last week – Made and filmed my ident at home. Did a rough draft of it in school.  

This week – Started the rushes log. And added the clips I will keep into final cut.

Sunday 6 November 2022

Work plan

My aim is to finish 1 ident that is a minute long. I will need to use my time efficiently to get the best quality of work that I am satisfied with. I will be using my lessons at school to go home to film and then edit my work in school. And I will then draw, colour and cut those out to use it for my cut out animation. I will also need glue and arrange some of the pieces. When editing I will need to find music and sound effects for my CITV ident. Or I will have to make foley sounds to use as sound effects on my ident. 

Week 1 - will be drawing, colouring cutting and arranging my cut outs for my idents. 
Week 2 - will be using pictures to make my cut out stop motion animation ident.
Week 3 - will be piecing together my footage in final cut pro and adding sound effects and music. 
Week 4 - will be completing my ident and receiving audience feedback on it.
Week 5 - will be using the audience feedback to make changes to or to fix my ident.
Week 6 - start my evaluation.
Week 7 - finish my evaluation and anything else that I have missed out on or need to fix. 

Location Recce

Risk Assessments

Call sheets

Launch date and Activities

Launch date 

The launch date for my CITV one minute ident will be in the summer of 2023. This is because my ident is for kids. It has bright colours and a summery feel to it. There is also a coconut character in the ident. This means kids will have more time in summer and so they might watch more TV. 

This ident will help keep the young audience interested in the channel. And since it relates to the next programme on/already airing it is sure to grab their attention even more. The programme the ident is based on is Art Attack. 


I will need a mac computer for my ident. As I will need the software final cut pro to edit. I will use Youtube for music and sound effects. And I might even create some foley sounds if needed. 

Saturday 5 November 2022

Contingency plans

I will be filming at home. I will borrow equipment with permission from my teacher and take it home. My back up location will be in one of the school classrooms. I will film alone. However if I help or extra hand with something else I will ask if needed. 

The props I will be needing to make this ident are my cut outs, a tripod and a camera with an SD hard in it. 

I will then edit my ident using a mac on final cut pro in Mr Clarkes classroom. 


I am the only person working on my ident. 

As mine is an animation cut out ident I will need to draw, colour, and cut everything out. I will then glue and arrange my pieces. After I finish making my ident, I will show it people and gather audience feedback. I will then use that feedback to fix anything or better my work. And then at last I will write an evaluation. I will talk about how it went, if it was difficult or easy to do etc. 

14th of December will be my deadline. 

And If I need help will anything I can ask Mrs Lowndes or Mr Magaadow. 

Friday 4 November 2022


Activity list

Final CITV Ident